Made from polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, these lightweight plastic modules can simultaneously generate solar power and let tinted daylight pass through.
Most of the pavilion's roof will be made up of these coloured photovoltaic cells, which will have a moiré-effect pattern running through them.
The Dutch Biotope will be a showcase of sustainable design and technology. Acting as a self-sustaining microclimate, a tower of plants will dominate the space. The pavilion, which will be located in the expo's sustainability district, will be made from natural materials that will all be recycled or reused after the event.
Van Aubel has been developing the solar panels for several years. they are created using light-absorbing organic dyes that cover tiny particles of titanium dioxide nanomaterial to turn sunlight into electricity. The low-cost, flexible solar cells are applied to a translucent surface like a sticker.
The expo will be a chance to show off the potential of this technology to some of the 25 million visitors projected to attend the event, which has been moved to 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
After the expo, the roof will be disassembled and the modules repurposed for other projects.
Van Aubel has previously showcased her work with a stained-glass window that can charge a mobile phone and a desk that can also charge appliances.
Source: India Block