Ayyam Gallery  Dubai is proud to present Istoria, a retrospective exhibition honoring the late Syrian artist Leila Nseir, a pioneering figure in both art and feminism. This exhibition, supported by The Samawi Collection and the Barjeel Foundation, celebrates Nseir’s powerful legacy, showcasing works that challenge gender norms and explore the complexities of Middle Eastern womanhood.

Born in Latakia, Syria, in 1941, Nseir's art reflects her deep connection to her culture, using themes of conflict, inequality, and feminism. Throughout her career, Nseir navigated societal pressures, evolving her medium from sculpture to painting and printmaking. Her later works delve into topics like diaspora, migration, and the balance between tradition and modernity. Her contorted figures and bold compositions mirror Syria's rich history and the enduring strength of its women.

Istoria is more than a look back at Nseir’s career—it’s a dialogue between past and present, offering a timeless exploration of gender, identity, and heritage. Don’t miss this compelling exhibition at Ayyam Gallery, running from September 18 to November 12, 2024.