To the music of George Frideric Handel and Ilya Demotsky, international ballet dancer Svetlana Zakharova, principal dancer of the Bolshoi Ballet, starred in the breathtaking “Modans” show that takes the audience to the aesthetics of performance dance and classical music.

The show, which will be shown publicly today on the Dubai Opera stage, is divided into two parts: the first part carried a performance entitled “Like a Breath” by Italian choreographer Mauro Bigonzetti, while the second section was titled “Gabriel Chanel”, which is a tribute to the fashion legend “Coco Chanel”. Designed by Yuri Posokhov. The show recounts Chanel's journey, which overturned fashion standards in the 20th century, and how she transformed from an obscure singer into the founder of one of the most famous and luxurious fashion houses, and sheds light on her creativity, especially as she was inspired by her designs from the world of dance that expresses freedom and beauty.

A group of dancers from the Bolshoi Theater, including Mikhail Lopukhin, Vacheslav Lopatin, Denis Savin, Artemy Belyakov, Anastasia Stashkevich, and Anna Turazashvili, participate in this classic show, especially in its first part.

In this section, a group of different compositions by musician George Frideric Handel, which bears a romantic and calm character, was integrated into this section. As for the second section of the show, which carried the music of Ilya Demotsky, the music is integrated with elegant and bold clothes created exclusively for the show, as well as stage backgrounds and lighting that puts the audience in front of the life of the designer. The most famous with all its glamor and charm

Zakharova confirmed that she started preparing for this show three months ago, Considering that her main task is not to show her work to the audience as work, but rather to present it in a calm and smooth way, and for this she is keen to develop herself and the techniques she uses, while paying attention to the feelings that dominate the show, in order for the audience to enjoy the show to the fullest extent.

Regarding the show at Dubai Opera, Paralovin indicated that this show was supposed to be presented in 2019 in the capital, Abu Dhabi, but at that time Svetlana was ill, and she could not come to present the show, and we presented a different show at that time, and today we are presenting this show on stage. Dubai Opera, which is distinguished for being well-equipped, and carries the latest equipment to present dance and theatrical performances. He pointed out that Dubai is considered a hub for art in the region, as it is now receiving stars from around the world, as it hosts the most prominent names and opens the most prominent art museums, considering that what he presents through the show is feelings and passion for this world.