With more than 1.8 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus worldwide, people are taking precautions to stay safe. In response, some people have started placing face masks on famous statues to promote social distancing. 
Take a look at some of these photos of statues from across the globe.
A mask has been placed on the statue of singer and actor Johann Nestroy in Vienna, Austria.
In Saint Petersburg, Russia, a statue of the fictional hero Ostap Bender was also adorned with a mask.
In New York City's Financial District, a mask hangs on the horn of the Charging Bull statue ...
... while its former companion, the Fearless Girl statue, also received a mask of her own.
Outside Shibuya Station in Tokyo, Japan, the statue of Hachiko is wearing a mask.
The statue of a Sioux Indian scout wears a face mask in Kansas City, Missouri.
In Dublin, Ireland, the statue of Molly Malone has been given a mask with a smiley face.
In Wuhan, China, a statue of a mother and her child have been given face masks.
In Carouge, Switzerland, the statue of the cartoon character Titeuf wears an over-sized mask in an empty school yard.