The British, David Morris, woke up one morning while he was spending it in the city of Cornwall in southern Britain, and while looking at the sea he saw a "flying ship", so he took a picture of it that spread like wildfire across the Internet.
According to what was quoted by the "New York Times", Morris (52 years) felt astonished when he saw the ship, and said to himself, "My head does not want to understand that, but (the ship) must be on the water."
It later emerged that what Morris saw was an optical illusion, known as a "superior mirage".
Usually, a superior mirage occurs because of the temperature difference between the sea and the air above it, which leads to a change in the density of the air and the refraction of sunlight to bend around the horizon, causing optical illusions.
And the weather conditions that morning caused the formation of layers of air with different temperatures, which made the speed of light traveling through them varying.
Usually, the cold air is above the warm air, so the higher the altitude, the colder the air.
And on that day specifically, the verse was reversed, and the layer of air adjacent to the sea was cold, and the water was cold, and warm air was at the top, which led to the reflection of the image in this way.
According to the BBC quoted its meteorologist, David Breen, this phenomenon is common in the Arctic, but it occurs in a "very rare" way in Britain during the winter.