With the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic occupying the thoughts of anyone braving the outside world, Campbell upped herself in the past week by traveling in a full-blown hazmat suit.
and she shared a photo of herself at Los Angeles International Airport in a hazmat suit, face mask, safety goggles, and gloves. "Safety First NEXT LEVEL," she wrote in the caption, teasing a "full video" on the way.
And she explained why she went through such extreme measures to protect herself from the virus. She said that she had been "nervous" about traveling, since it's an important aspect of her career. "In all honesty, this is not a funny time," she added. "It's not a humorous time. I'm not doing this for laughs... This is how I feel comfortable traveling, if I have to travel."
Since the outbreak of the virus, which has 2,499 confirmed cases worldwide and over 150,000 worldwide, she has tried to keep her traveling "at a minimum." She continued, "If I do have to go, I'm going like this." In the video on her Instagram page, she can be seen taking two packets of a vitamin C supplement and criticizing TSA workers for not wearing gloves when touching passports. Campbell pointed out that flight attendants had not worn gloves, either.