The unit, called Masque Thing, is a rectangular storage piece with 12 doors and a row of drawers on top.
The doors are covered in a grey silicone, which Allthatissolid developed with Brooklyn art fabricator Youngbuk to resemble terrazzo. The stretchy material makes the brass handles pull further apart from the door when they are tugged.
The top, sides, and drawers of Masque Thing are clad in a stone terrazzo. The tone matches the hue of the "skin" so the contrasting materials are hardly noticeable until touched.
When tugging on the brass nipple hardware, the stone-like surface unexpectedly stretches like supple skin.
The cabinet was designed for an art collectors' apartment in New York's Upper West Side, and serves as a bartending surface and a place to display their ceramics collection.
The supports stretch through the shelves within the cabinet to the countertop, but their forms are almost entirely concealed by the doors. At the base, however, the legs peek out in "sumptuous" ways.