A miniature copy of the Statue of Liberty, which was kept in the Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris, today began its journey to the residence of the French ambassador to the United States, where it is supposed to arrive on July 14.
This bronze statue, which is 2 meters and 83 centimeters high, will be on loan for ten years to the French Embassy in the United States from the French National Center for Arts and Crafts. It was installed in 2011 in the front courtyard of the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Paris.
The statue will first stop in New York, to be displayed on Ellis Island, located near Liberty Island, where the Statue of Liberty is located, on US National Day on July 4.
His trip concludes with his unveiling in the garden of the residence of the French ambassador to the United States in Washington on July 14, France's national holiday.